Da qualche istante, Apple ha reso disponibile agli sviluppatori il download di iOS 11.2 Beta 1.

iOS 11.2 Beta 1: tante novità interessanti

Ecco le novità inserite in iOS 11.2 Beta 1:

Notes and Known Issues


Known Issues

  • After using an iPhone with an iPhone dock, using a charger without the dock requires restarting the phone.


Known Issues

  • Continuing from a breakpoint while debugging an ARSession may result in VIO breaking. Any visual objects placed in the world/anchor are not visible. (31561202)


Known Issues

  • When using the TrueDepth front-facing camera on iPhone X, setting the capture device’s activeFormat to a binned video format (see AVCaptureDeviceFormat isVideoBinned) for capture and enabling delivery of camera calibration data causes the resulting AVCameraCalibrationData to contain invalid information for the intrinsicMatrix property. (34200225)
  • Workaround: Select an alternate capture format whose isVideoBinned property is false.
  • Note: Configuring a capture session using a session preset never selects binned formats.


Known Issues

  • Initializing an EKCalendarChooser from EventKit can result in an app crash. (34608102)
  • Storing data to a nondefault event store in EventKit may not work. (31335830)


Known Issues 

  • Clients of NSURLSessionStreamTask that use a non-secure connection fail to connect when an error occurs during PAC file evaluation and the system is configured for either Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD) or Proxy Automatic Configuration (PAC). A PAC evaluation failure can occur when the PAC file contains invalid JavaScript or the HTTP host serving the PAC file is unreachable. (33609198)
  • Workaround: Use startSecureConnection to establish a secure connection.

Photos UI API Extensions

Known Issues

  • In iOS 11.2 beta 1 or later, the user interface of a photo editing extension is no longer limited to the safe area. Apple recommends following the Human Interface Guidelines for content insets. (34189209)


Known Issues

  • Playing a Podcast with chapter markers may cause the Podcasts app to crash. (35117025)
  • Workaround: Ask Siri to play a Podcast without chapter markers.


Known Issues

  • For a broadcast extension that a user starts from within an app, the value for the RPVideoSampleOrientationKey of the CMSampleBufferRef of type RPSampleBufferType is always portrait. Starting the broadcast extension from the Control Center returns the correct value. (34559925)


Resolved Issues

  • Displaying a page control in UIPageViewController on an iPhone X no longer overlaps the home indicator at the bottom of the screen. (34478195)


Resolved Issues

  • Using a model that outputs an image with VNCoreMLRequest now works correctly. (34023914)
  • VNHomographicImageRegistrationRequest and VNDetectBarcodesRequest now work correclty with images when using a request handler based on a URL (34919881)

Known Issues

  • VNFaceLandmarkRegion2D is currently unavailable in Swift. (33191123)
  • Facial landmarks identified by the Vision framework may flicker in temporal use cases such as video. (32406440)


Known Issues

  • Debugging a disabled Messages extension may cause the Messages app to crash. (33657938)
  • Workaround: Enable the extension before starting the debug session.
  • After a simulated iOS device starts up, it’s not possible to pull down the Lock screen. (33274699)
  • Workaround: Lock and unlock the simulated device and then reopen Home screen.

Riassumere testualmente tutte le novità presenti ed introdotte sarebbe impossibile, ecco dunque che vi invito a visionare un video pescato dalla rete, dove sono mostrati le ulteriori funzionalità interessanti , rispetto alla versione precedente:

Se volete installare gratuitamente iOS 11.2 sul vostro dispositivo senza attendere il rilascio ufficiale, potete far riferimento a questa guida, scritta di proposito.

[AGGIORNAMENTO] Apple ha appena rilasciato lo stesso aggiornamento, sotto forma di beta pubblica, anche a tutti gli utenti iscritti al programma per il testing della suddetta versione beta, in uscita prossimamente per tutti gli utenti.